Our Mission To Build
Healthy Communities
Fundamental To Life
We recognize that optimal health arises when a variety of needs are met. The most fundamental of these include access to clean water, food, shelter, medicine and safe, supportive communities. Overarching all of these things, we need to treat each other and our planet with respect and gratitude.
Accessing Safe Water
Across the globe, approximately 844 million people have limited access to safe drinking water or hand washing facilities.
In this time of pandemic, civil unrest and economic stress it is more critical than ever to show our love and support for those who struggle with just the basics—clean water!
A World At Risk
Some research has shown that 1/3 of high quality farmland in the world has been lost over the past 40 years. Over 20% of the Amazon rainforest are gone. The very origins of some of the medicine we use in our formulas are being threatened as you read this.
Our Commitment
We are dedicated to supporting and sharing the importance and wisdom of nature’s ability to heal and the need for balance and harmony as we engage with nature.
Over 43% of prescription medications are derived from plants.
Mother nature has been the birthplace of all indigenous healing traditions.
Support The Fight For Clean Water: Providing Clean Water for the Hopi
GlobalGiving.org vets non-profits for fiscal transparency, overall integrity, and provides a platform to connect them with donors. They provide access to multiple worthwhile projects.
We are committed to donating 2% of all our profits to Global Giving initiatives. The project we are currently supporting is dedicated to providing clean water to the Hopi.